Friday, July 3, 2009

July 3, 2009.Most days begin with somewhat of a plan, but never anything precise. I think this is because I can barely focus long enough to complete one task to move onto another! My sleepless nights are making an impact on the tiniest of details! Dane does sleep for 8 hours at a time most nights, but it usually begins at 8:00pm and I am never ready for bed at that time!!!Today was no different! Myles was excited as one of the first things he told Elliott this monring was that they get to see Robbie (who happens to be visiting from Ontario). I found myself fixing a dinner for a friend who just had a baby first thing in the morning. Also, I had an unfriendly moment with a neighbor who's dog was loose running around my house making my dog bark which made Dane cry. After she escorted her dog off my yard, I got to thinking maybe I was a bit rude. So the kids and I walked down to their house and I apologized, as I may have been a bit too rude (even though her dog wast he one nudging my screens and making my dog bark. It turns out she has a four year old little girl, who Elliott instantly became friends with! I did get some releif this evening as the kiddos went to my parents for time with their cousins Lexi and Robbie. I would have gone with them, but had no clean clothes to pack, so I spent all afternoon doing laundry and other household chores. My husband was impressed and asked 'did you clean the bathroom' in a super shocked tone of voice! I also get some more scrapbook stuff done, look for additions soon at And my husband and I were able to follow through with Friday night Movie night and watched Yes Man, which was a great movie. It is a funny make you feel good movie! And just amazed as to just how true it is that if you simply answer Yes to most questions, you definitely have more possiblities than providing no as answers!

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