Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thank Heavens for Play Dates

July 2nd, 2009 Thank heavens for play dates! Myles school friend Mason came over today and brought his two sisters who just happen to be four and five! Wow what a great bu ddy for Myles to have. The mom came, too so we all had someone to hang out with (except Dane of course, but then again, he can’t talk yet!) The girls played doll house and barbies and babies, and the boys played legos and kidnmapped the babies and the girls would scream. And then we had pizza for lunch, and every kid had seconds! Wow they worked up an appetite. The afternoon found the kids loungin watching a movie! I try so hard to not have the TV on at all during the day (not evening the morning news, and my trashy soap opera doesn’t come in sincewe don’t have cable and since the digital switch I don’t get channel 8, bummer), however, often times at noon time (which used to be nap time) the kiddos get to watch a movie.  I amamazed at just how little TV we watch, and the kids don’t mind at all. The kiddos also had a great time playing in the driveway with boxes. The neighbor so nicely brought us her water softner box, and the kids love to make them their house! Seth was late getting home today, he was treated to a nice dinner down town with some people working on the construction of the new hotel cluster downtown. So it was Quesadillas for the kids and Enchiladas for me, easy dinner. Seth came home just in time as I was about to use the last diaper! I tried to go out earlier in the day but couldn’t find my keys - I hate that when that happens! And then back home and early to bed, I’ve been so exhausted with all the activity during the day... I must say I did get some scrappin in! Yeah for the new Rusty Pickle pattern papers for this months kit club!

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